Learn what factors affect your range and how to manage them.
How far can I go on a charge? It’s a simple question, but the answer is complex. eBike range depends on many factors, including battery type and age, the chosen level of pedal assistance, type of motor, rider weight, how much gear you’re carrying, how much and how hard you pedal, how hilly the terrain is, weather, and even your tire pressure.
Here’s how these factors affect your range:

- Battery — The capacity of the battery itself is arguably the most important factor in determining your range. Without proper care, your battery will lose capacity and you won’t get as many miles per charge. Read more about battery care. And read this post about the battery pack to learn about battery technology and what those terms like Watt-hours mean for your range.
- Level of assistance — Most IZIP eBikes have three or four levels of pedal assist, ranging from low/eco to high/turbo. The more assist, of course, the less effort on your part, but the faster it drains the battery. To conserver your range, save the higher modes for times and places (such as hills) where you really need it.
- Motor type —eBikes with more powerful motors should be paired with larger capacity batteries so you have enough range. For this reason, IZIP eBikes feature drive systems where the motor and battery are designed to work together as a unit.
- Wind —Assuming you are using the same level of assistance and pedaling with the same effort level, riding into the wind will drain your battery faster than riding on a calm day. Slow down a bit on windy days to reduce drag and extend your range.
- Weight (rider and gear combined) — Whether the load is just you or also includes some gear, a heavier load will tax your battery faster than a lighter one.
- Hills — Sure, flying uphill is one of the joys of riding an eBike, but if you want to get in more miles per charge, drop your level of assist and use more leg power.
- Stopping and starting — Frequent stops and starts can take a toll on your charge. Starting on an uphill takes even more power, so pedal hard to get up to speed if you want to conserve your range.
- Cold temperatures — Just like a car battery, an eBike battery doesn’t work as well in low temperatures. All other things being equal, you’ll get more miles per charge on a warm day compared to a cold one. Plan accordingly!
- Tire pressure — Higher pressure will provide less rolling resistance, theoretically resulting in a slightly longer range. However, lower pressure will cushion your ride more, making it easier to pedal over bumps and rough pavement. Experiment to find the pressure that gives you the best riding experience overall.
Ultimately, you’ll ride more when you’re comfortable, not when you’re maximizing tenths of a mile on your range. But when you’re out having a great time and pushing the limits of your range, these tips can help you make it home before you run out of juice.

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