Electric bikes have been around almost as long as the bicycle itself. In fact, some of the first electric bikes started popping up in the late 1890s but the technology was far from being commercially viable. Even into the 1990s battery technology was not really ready for prime time. But over the last decade, electric bicycles have benefited from rapid advancements in stable lithium-ion battery cells and chargers, torque and speed sensors, and many electronic technologies coming out of the automotive industry.

Electric bikes have evolved to become more elegant and easier to use. More than ever before, eBikes now feel like regular bikes. They blend human energy and power from an electric motor to create the perfect human-electric hybrid vehicle that intuitively augments your own pedaling power to help you climb hills, slice through headwinds, and go faster and farther on a bike than ever before – all while you sweat less!
Today’s electric bikes are durable, reliable and convenient. IZIP is leading the way by offering a wide selection of eBikes for recreation, transportation, sport or fitness, built with the latest technology and reliable, name-brand drive systems. With financing as low as 0% APR, our eBikes are also more affordable than ever. Look for the Affirm logo on any product page to get details on financing options.
Find your perfect eBike today.